ECG/EVG Services

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Electrocardiogram (ECG) screening is necessary for a number of reasons. Through the identification of anomalies in the heart’s electrical activity and rhythm, it is utilized to diagnose cardiac malfunctions. In order to make sure that cardiac medications are having the desired impact, this screening is also essential for tracking treatment efficacy. Furthermore, ECGs are capable of recognizing coronary artery blockages, which can assist avert heart attacks. They are also useful in identifying heart muscle or valve damage because abnormalities in the ECG might point to these problems.

Last but not least, heart rate is examined using ECGs, which yields important details regarding the general health and operation of the heart.

How Can an ECG Test Be Done at Home?
We provide you with a tentative time window for our technician to visit your home and perform the ECG test once you have completed the booking process. The ECG machine will be brought by our technician; you will need to limit your movement and lie flat on your back on a cozy table or even in bed.
The technician will apply electrodes, which are tiny sticky patches, to your arms, legs, and chest. The electrodes that are connected to the ECG equipment allow it to read electrical pulses and heart rate and display the data in a wave-like fashion.
In order to do the process, the technician may also ask you to hold your breath for a brief period of time.

ECG/EVG Services